Challenge Day, Thursday 6

Friday 6
Saturday 7, last Race Day

William Five Bow


Salud Shot

Alcyon 1871 G. Vaton

Tuiga 1909 witing for Start

12 M waiting for start

12 M Start

Mariska 1908 William Five

Bowman Elena of London

F15 Mariska at Start

Bowman Naema

Tuiga and Halloween

Varuna 1939 Sparkman & Stevens

Kismet 1898 William Five

La Espina 1929 Baglietto


Esterel 1912 Leon Sibile

Eugenia V and Elena of London

Elena of London 2009 Nat. G. Herreshof

Bowman, La Espina

La Espina 1929

Elena of London 2009

Bowman at watch

12M Nyala 1938 Olin J. Stephens

Veronique 1907 A.R. Luke

Tigris 1898 Alfred Mylne

Modern and The Lady A¡nne

F15 The Lady Anne 1912 William Five

F15 Tuiga 1909 Five

F15 Tuiga 1909

F15 Tuiga

F15 The Lady Anne

Underwater Syren from Naema

Gust comes in


Hallowen 1929 William Five

F15 The Lady Anne

Naema 2006 Alfred Myllne

Saint Tropez Spectators

Vieux Port Lighthouse

Salud Bow Canyon

Piper Elena of London

Berthing with spectators